Wir sind zurück vom Urlaub. Es war soooo schön, statt nach Österreich sind wir nach Italien gefahren, dort war das Wetter richtig klasse.
Kaum daheim, brauch ich schon die erste Karte für eine liebe Arbeitskollegin zum Geburtstag. Der Stempel ist „Perfect Poison“ von Kraftin Kimmie. Die Giftflasche, das Glas und das Cocktail Sentiment sind Teil des Perfect Poison Kits.
We are back from holliday. It was so awesome, we didn’t drive to Austria, but to Italy, there was the weather realy good.
Back home, I need the first birthdaycard for a nice workmate. The image is “Perfect Poison” from Kraftin Kimmie. The toxicbottle, the glas and the cocktail-sentiment are part of the perfect poison kit.
Kraftin Kimmie Triangles
Crafts and me Challenge: Friends and Family
Sir Stampalot Punch it
The Burtonesquedolls Sweeney Todd
Twinkling H2Os: Babys Breath, Golden Sand, Rose Petal, China Black, Wild Plum, Mystic Blue

Kraftin Kimmie
Sentiment: Bettys Creations, Kraftin Kimmie
Stempelkissen: Versafine Onyx Black, Versafine Imperial Purple
Coloration: Twinkling H2O´s + Wassertankpinsel
Papier: Countryside Tonweiß, Tonpapier, Druckerpapier
Sonstiges: Spellbinders, Seidenmalfarbe, Martha Stewart Punch, Scheere
12 Kommentare:
great card, very suiting for sweeney todd x
So gorgeous! I love what you did with the accessory stamp to make your own background! Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!
Hi there
Please you had a good holiday in Italy.
Your card is awesome, I love the image and the colours you have used.
Thank you for sharing with us at Stampalot Challenge this month and good luck.
B x
Perfect little card! I love your colors and distressing! Thank you so much for joining us at The Burtonesque Dolls this week!
This is simply adorable..Love the darling little image and your BG is just awesome..Super cute card!!
Hugs, Linda
Gorgeous card i love the image and the colours are fab. Thanks for joining us at Crafts and Me for our challenge this week. luv gina xx
Fabulous card! The cobweb corners look great.
Thank you for entering the Sir Stampalot challenge this month.
Clare x
Fantastic Card with wonderful colours, thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot challenge
and good luck!
Fab card, enjoy your hols. Thanks for joining us at Crafts and Me. Hugs Tracy x
This is a great card.
Thank you for joining us at Crafts and Me Challenges this week
Luv Teresa x
Fabulously quirky card - perfect for joining us in the Doll House this week!
A fab card , thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month and good luck!
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