meine Stiefma hats erwischt, deswegen hab ich ihr das Kärtchen gewerkelt. Alle Stempel (Elefanten, Pflaster, Trostpflaster, Flasche, Schnörkel auf dem Hintergrundpapier) sind von Bettys Creations
my stepmum has catched a cold, so I made her this "Getting well" card. All stamps (elephants, sticking plaster, plaster sentiment, bottle and the swirls on the backgroundpaper) are from Bettys Creations
Ich habe sie bei folgenden Challenge-Blocks eingetragen:
Midnight Madness "Sketch" MMSC 127
Simon Says Stamp Challenge "Anything goes"
Crafts and me Challenges Use Blue

2 Kommentare:
What adorable elephants! The design paper is just perfect and love your colors. Thanks so much for joining us for this week's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge, hope you will come back and play again next week!
Wonderful card, cute image and colours.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamps Challenge.
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