mit meinem Entry in die Januar-Challenge bei House Mouse and Friends habe ich einen Guest Designer Spot (eigentlich 2!) im Februar gewonnen! Und hier ist nun mein Werk dafür. Die House-Mouse Challenge "Make Wishes come true" war die Gelegenheit, endlich mein Geburtstagsbuch zu machen, das ich schon so lange haben möchte.
Zuerst kommt ein Geburtstagskalender:
First there is a Birthdaycalendar:
Danach kommt eine Wissens-Datenbank, hier ist Platz um alles einzutragen, was fürs Beschenke wichtig ist: Lieblingsfarbe, Lieblingstier, Lieblingssüßigkeit, Interessen, Kleidergröße, Adresse...
Then there is a Wisdom-Database that gives room for everything important to make a gift: fav. color, fav. animal, fav. sweet, clothing size, interests, adress...
Eine To-Do-Liste für jeden Monat, einfach was wann getan werden muß - mit Platz für Notizen.
A To-Do List for each month, just about what hase to been done, with space for notes:
Zum Schluß kommt eine Liste mit Ideen, für wen es ist, ob etwas gekauft werden muß; einfach, wenn unterm Jahr etwas einfällt, mit Platz für eine Einkaufsliste.
At last there is a list for ideas, for whom it is, if there is a need to buy something for - with space for a shopping list:
Here are the images for the Birthdaybook. Right klick to enlarge and than klick "save as"
Inner Page Gift- or Cardideas:
Inner Page: Wisdombase
Inner Page: Monthly To-Do List: Was ist in welchem Monat zu tun und wie dringend ist es. Erst mal nur der Januar, wenn ihr die anderen Monate auch wollt, bitte einen Komentar hinterlassen, dann lade ich sie auch noch hoch.
Monthly To-Do List, what is in which month to do and how urgent is it. First the January only, if you want the other Month too, please leave a comment, then I will upload the others, too.

Birthdaycalendar with Monthnames. First the January only, if you want the other Month too, please leave a comment, then I will upload the others, too.

22 Kommentare:
What a beautiful book. I love the deep purple colors that you used. This is a very practical book and will help you stay on track with birthdays. Thank you so much for sharing and sharing each page with us too!!
A gorgeous book sweetie. Thank you for the freebies.
Hi Ya
wow what a fabulous creation, i need to do one of these i didnt transfer any bdays over to me new calender!! fabulous colouring, lovely to have you join us this month, sue,x
Great to have you with us as a GDT this month.
Lovely book you have made, I think it could be useful for a lot of us.
Enjoy your evening.
OMG! What a fantastic little project! I loved it when I saw it on the House Mouse blog, but know that I see what's inside I love it even more!
Gorgeous birthday book :-) such a cute image and the whole design is lovely:-)
Its lovely to have you joining us this month :-)
Lols x x x
Hi Tanja stunning cute HM creation gorgeous image & colours great take on the chall theme.
thanks for accepting the GD for Feb lovely work
smiles Christine x
on the other hand lots of words here :) totally stunning creation and oh so fabulous image choice and beautifully coloured
Hugs Kate xx
ps I have some candy if you are interested :)
Your book is just adorable, and you're so generous to share these pages!! I think this is a fabulous idea, and I'd love to see the rest of the months! TFS!
Beautiful project with the lovely image and color combo. Stunning and fab!
removalists sydney inner west
What a fabulous book! So creative and lovely. Beautifully made! SO happy to have you sharing your talents as a GDT this month!
Mousie cheers!
A brilliant creation Tanja, your colours and colouring are fabulous!!!
Your birthday design book is wonderful - mine is old and worn out - I really should make another and not keep sticking more bits on!!!!
Great to have you with us
Heather xx
Das Buch ist wunderschön geworden und das Motiv ist allerliebst und super toll coloriert!
LG Gisela
Schaut klasse aus :)
Tolle Zusammenstellung.
LG Arwen
WOW, Tanja, what a beautiful project! So much work went into your lovely project. Love the purple colors and that image is so fun! Everyone needs a book like this, thanks for the page designs too. So glad to have you joining us this month.
Hi Susi!
Hach bin ich froh, mal jemand aus Deuschland im GD Team. Erstmal ganz herzlich willkommen.
Ich finde deinen Geburtstagskalender super klasse! Tolle Farben, so viel Aufwand und so einzigartig.
LG, Natascha
Thanks for being our GDT this month. This is an amazing creation, I love the idea, and such a fab design.
Happy crafting
Mousey Hugs
Tracy x
This is darling. Great vibrant purple and such a cool planner, wonderful job.
This is darling. Great vibrant purple and such a cool planner, wonderful job.
So much fun here...great image and a great album! Lots of work and heart you have put into this great creation! Happy to have you as our featured stamper this month! ♥ Sue Kment
This is beautiful. Love the coloring and monochromatic color scheme. Love your take on the MMSC this month.
Member, Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge Design Team
Wow.. ich bin begeistert !!!
LG Tanja
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