heute sind meine Hintergrundstempel "Cover a Card" von Impression Obsession angekommen. Die sind so toll! Ich habs gleich mal bissi ausprobiert (dierser heißt Paisley):
Today arrieved my new backgroundstamps "Cover a Card" from Impression Obsession. They are so cool! I`ve tested them (this one is called "paisley):
Whiff of Joy : Sketch
Simon Says Stamp Challenge : "Buttons"
Bunny Zoe crafts : Lace it up > my lace is paperlace from a MS-Punch
Oldie but a Goodie : Buttons and Bows
Stamp with fun : Knöpfe
Paper Play Challenge : "Button up"
Die Stempel sind von / the stamps are from:
Santa:Whiff of joy
Lebkuchenmann und Lebkuchenhintergrund / Gingerbreadman and Gingerbackground:Bettys Creations
Paisley:Impression Obsession
Knöpfe / Buttons :Magnolia
Sentiment: by me

2 Kommentare:
Beautiful card!! What a sweet Santa! Great coloring!
Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog!
Beautiful creation
I love the image and colours
Thanks for joining us at OLDIE BUT A GOODIE this time and good luck!
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